How to paint with linseed oil paint

These instructions are general methods that describe how to paint with linseed oil paint from Ottosson Färgmakeri (other manufacturers may have other instructions). These methods have been proven through years of use, and if these instructions are followed, even the novice painter has good chances of success.

The versatility of linseed oil paint makes it difficult to describe in words how one should paint to achieve a good result. Example: A painting technique instruction such as “apply a thin layer” can be difficult for a beginner to understand. It’s easy to be uncertain, and wonder “how thin is thin”?

Painting is very visual. It must be seen and experienced for the user to fully absorb the information, so as a complement to these written instructions, we have produced short instructional videos that are available on our website.

Linseed oil paint offers possibilities for variation that no other type of paint can achieve. It can be used on a variety of materials both indoors and outdoors, and with increasing experience, the user can adapt the paint to any requirement.

Paint and enjoy!

  • All
  • untreated
  • metal
  • sheet metal
  • plaster
  • untreated wood
  • one coat
  • repainting
  • interior
  • exterior
  • wood
  • linseed oil paint
  • untreated joinery

3-coat painting on new, untreated, exterior wood

1. Primer/1st coat application Mix your own primer as follows: 35% volume linseed oil paint, 50% volume raw linseed oil,

Painting with extra-durable linseed oil paint (Antique White) on new carpentry

Ottosson’s Antique white linseed oil paint offers a higher gloss and makes the painted surface extra-resistant to wear and tear.

Repainting with antique white on previously painted surfaces

Scrape off loose paint and wash the surface with an exterior cleaning solution. Sand lightly with fine sandpaper to roughen

Single-coat painting on newly sawn interior surfaces

This treatment is labor-saving and comes in handy on large areas of sawn wood. Thin the linseed oil paint with

Glaze painting, interiors

By glaze, we mean a transparent color that allows the substrate to contribute to the color experience. All of our

Matte linseed oil paint, interiors

Matte linseed oil paint is intended for use on interior ceilings and walls and can replace many of today’s plastic-based

Maintenance and aging, exteriors

What can you expect from a linseed oil paint on exterior surfaces? Depending on how much the painted surface is

Maintenance and aging, interiors

What can you expect from a linseed oil paint on interior surfaces? Interior painted surfaces are not degraded by sunlight,

Painting of previously painted exterior surfaces

There is a general perception that when using linseed oil paint, the surface must be new, untreated wood, or that

Painting with one coat on sawn, untreated wood

This simple, labor-saving treatment was developed as an alternative to painting with calcimine paint, especially in weather-exposed and humid environments.

Linseed oil paint on exterior plaster/stucco

Linseed oil paint on plaster has a long tradition and was often used on facades in urban environments in the

Painting on sheet metal and metal, exterior

Linseed oil paint has a long tradition of use on different types of metals. For example, in the 17th century,

Painting new, untreated interior joinery

1. Preparation and priming Two coats of shellac solution (knot sealer) are applied to knots before painting. Drying time 30

Repainting previously painted interior surfaces

Linseed oil paint adheres to almost all substrates and paint types, and indoors, you can paint on previously painted carpentry