Linseed oil paint can be used on almost any surface. This includes untreated as well as treated wood, MDF, and other board. Pressure-impregnated wood works well if it has dried outside for at least a year. It is also possible to use linseed oil paint on old plaster and concrete. When it comes to new plaster and concrete, you should wait until the surface has become pH-neutral, which happens after about 6 to 8 weeks. You can also paint on plaster, Eternit cladding, tile, glass, and metal. Repainting surfaces that were previously painted with alkyd oil paint or acrylate plastic paint also works. Surfaces painted with more porous paint types, such as whitewash, calcimine, and lime, can also be overpainted with linseed oil paint, but make sure that the surface is thoroughly brushed and washed down. In this case, it is important to prime with a diluted, thin linseed oil paint, so that this primer penetrates and adheres to the substrate. Note: Do not paint with linseed oil paint on surfaces containing silicone or wax. Also avoid painting on surfaces that have a moisture content of more than 15 percent.
What surfaces can I paint with linseed oil paint?